Singing Guide: Marshmello feat. Khalid

Singing Guide: Marshmello feat. Khalid

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Marshmello feat. Khalid’s signature songs include “Silence” and “Mellow.” Marshmello’s music is known for its upbeat electronic sound, with Khalid’s vocals adding a smooth, soulful touch. To learn how to sing like Marshmello feat. Khalid, you need to focus on the following techniques:

  • Breathing: Breathing is a vital technique for any singer. Proper breathing can help you hit high notes and sustain notes longer. Check out Singing Carrots' breathing basics article for tips on how to breathe properly.
  • Warm up: Warming up your voice is essential before singing. Vocal warm-ups can help you sound better and prevent vocal damage. Singing Carrots’ farinelli breathing video is an excellent warm-up to start with.
  • Vocal range: Marshmello feat. Khalid’s songs typically have a range of around two octaves, so it's essential to focus on expanding your vocal range to be able to reach those notes. Check out the vocal range test to determine your voice’s range.
  • Articulation and vocal placement: Clear and concise articulation is essential for delivering a song's message effectively. Proper vocal placement is also crucial for delivering a powerful performance. Check out Singing Carrot’s articulation article and open mouth & throat article to improve your articulation and vocal placement.
  • Learn the songs: To sing like Marshmello feat. Khalid, focus on learning songs that showcase their style and vocal techniques. Singing Carrots’ search songs by vocal range tool can help you find songs within your vocal range and genre preferences. Once you’ve found a song, use Singing Carrots’ how to learn a song effectively article to memorize and perfect it.

Overall, mastering Marshmello feat. Khalid’s style requires a focus on breath control, warm-ups, vocal range, articulation, and vocal placement. Incorporating Singing Carrots' pitch accuracy test, vocal pitch monitor, and pitch training tools can help you polish your skills and improve your singing accuracy. Happy singing!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.